Who We Are
Kappa Alpha Psi is one of the oldest collegiate greek-letter fraternities with a predominantly African American membership. Since its founding in 1911 at Indiana University, the fraternity has never limited membership based on color, creed or national origin. The fraternity has well over 100,000 members with 700 undergraduate and alumni chapters in every state of the United States and international chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, Korea, Japan, the West Indies and South Africa.
Kappa Alpha Psi is a social fraternity that focuses on service. The leader or president of the international fraternity is known as the Grand Polemarch, who assigns a Province Polemarch for each of the twelve provinces (districts/regions) that span the globe. The fraternity has many notable members recognized as leaders in the arts, athletics, business, civil rights, education, government, and science sectors at the local, national and international level. The Kappa Alpha Psi Journal is the official magazine of the fraternity since 1914. Frank M. Summers was the magazine's first editor and also served as the 14th Grand Polemarch.
Kappa Alpha Psi is a major contributor in the fields of political, social, cultural and scholastic achievement. The fraternity sponsors programs providing community service, social welfare and academic scholarship through the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and is a supporter of the United Negro College Fund and Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Kappa Alpha Psi is a member of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and the North-American Inter-fraternity Conference (NIC). The fraternity is the first predominantly African American Greek-letter society founded west of the Appalachian Mountains still in existence.
The International Headquarters building is located at:
2322-24 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132- 4590
For more information, visit our Grand Chapter/IHQ website at www.kappalphapsi1911.com.